
Michael Bornstein

Michael qualified in 1998 before achieving his PhD in 2001 from the University of Basel. He continued his training in Oral Surgery and Stomatology in Basel before becoming a board-certified Oral Surgeon in June 2003.

Michael was previously the Clinical Professor in Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology in the Faculty of Dentistry at The University of Hong Kong. However, he has recently returned to Basel as the Clinical Director and Professor at the University Centre for Dental Medicine.

Since 2019 he’s also serving as Associate Dean of ‘Research & Innovation’ at the Faculty.

Michael is a board-certified Oral Surgeon with extensive experience in dental radiology, Cone Beam CT, and Oral Surgery including GBR and bio-resorbable membranes.

He was instrumental in the production of the CBCT guidelines for the AO, EAO and has been involved as a group leader in recent ITI Consensus Meeting where he reported on the CBCT guidance.

Michael is an experienced pioneer in the use of CBCT in implant dentistry and his experience is second to none.


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