Education and Training from Straumann
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ITI Digital Dental Entrepreneurial Program
NottinghamYear Two Implant Course
The Campbell Academy, NottinghamConsultation Masterclass
The Campbell Academy, NottinghamBAIRD: Advanced Hard & Soft Tissue Grafting Course
Delegate Feedback
Read what course delegates say about training with Straumann.

Alfonso is a fantastic teacher and the course is very hands-on, so not only do you get great theory, but you also develop practical skills from the start. No other course I researched placed implants so early on in the training. Alfonso was joined by the Straumann team and it was a very supportive environment.
Dr Aislinn Watkins – Delta Dental Academy
Delta Academy“What I’ve been able to achieve in my career since I finished the FID course has been really unbelievable to me. I was impressed that the course has a good mix of theoretical and practical aspects, employing the gold standards of both evidence-based and practical teaching which is a very important part of the implant learning experience.”
Dr Adam Ross Higgins – ITI
International Team for Implantology (ITI)The team is so open and approachable, so willing to talk about what goes wrong as well as what goes right, which creates such a good learning experience. You really feel mentored and that you are looked after. I would definitely recommend this course to anyone…It’s been fantastic.
Dr Chris Navarro – The Campbell Academy
The Campbell Academy
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