Sarah Weston

Dr.Sarah Weston
Qualified from: BDS Lond, United Kingdom, 1996
GDC No: 72303
Sarah qualified from Guy’s hospital in London in 1996. She has worked at {my}dentist since 2013 and prior to this had experience in both NHS and private practice. Sarah has built her career and experience over the years and has focused in recent years on Clear aligner treatment. She now offers this treatment in Woodbridge 2 days a week and accepts direct enquiries via the surgery or via her social media channels. Outside of the practice Sarah shows her passion for training and supporting others in her additional role as the Clinical Support manager for {my}dentist practices across Suffolk and Essex and delivers the ClearCorrect Aligner Clinical training for {my}dentist nationwide. In addition to all of this she is also a Global ambassador and Key Opinion leader for Straumann Group, the parent company of ClearCorrect.
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